Azam Ali Shaikh
Transform your project
I'm a passionate full-stack web developer with a love for creating impactful digital solutions. When I'm not coding, I'm exploring new games or leveling up my skills in calisthenics
See my work

About Me

Hello, I'm Azam, a passionate web developer from India. Proficient in the MERN stack, TypeScript, and Nextjs. I create dynamic and user-friendly websites. With a touch of DevOps knowledge, I ensure smooth deployments. Constantly learning and evolving, I'm dedicated to bringing innovative web solutions to life. Let's create something amazing together!
Tech Stacks
1. JobHub
2. Dairy Project
3. Placement App
Work Experiences
  • July - 24

    Completed 1 month inhouse internship of Web dev in MERN Stack in our institute Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College and created a project JobHub. Web app for job seekers and company employer, employer can post the job and candidate can apply for jobs

  • June - 24

    Completed 1 month inhouse internship of Web dev using HTML, CSS & Js in our institute Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College and created a project MilkMan. Ecommerce web app in HTML, CSS and JS for users to order dairy products online


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